Tetrabyblos Tetrabyblos

We hope you enjoy your free chart

Please fill out the information below to get your free natal chart.

Your Name

Please enter your name, nickname or the name of the individual this chart is for.

Birth time:

Please enter your exact time of birth, if unknown please tick this box below.

Birth date:

Enter your birth time – DST/Summer time will be automaticly calculated.


Please select the country you were born in.

Birth City

Type the name of the city you were born in and select it from the list to automaticly get your long and lat.
Alternatively you can enter the long and lat manually in the coordinates section.

*Note: Longitude, latitude and timezone are automatically calculated from birth place
*Note: If you are unable to find your country or city you will need to enter the long and lat manually.

Time zone:



House System:
