The World Tarot Card Meanings

The World Keywords

UPRIGHT: Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel

REVERSED: Seeking personal closure, short-cuts, delays



The World card shows an uncovered woman encased by a purple surface, moving inside an enormous tree wreath. She looks behind her to the past, while her body pushes ahead to what’s to come. In her grip are two wands or hammers, like the one The Magician holds. It is a picture that what showed up with The Magician has now shown up toward the end with The World. The wreath is indirect, watching out for an endless delineation of valuable peaks and new beginnings considering the way that, as the woman endeavors through the wreath, she is completing one phase while beginning one more in each useful sense, straight away.


Around the wreath are four figures (a lion, bull, seraph, and flying predator), like those in the Wheel of Fortune. Both The World and the Wheel of Fortune address the rehashing contemplated your life and your improvement through its cycles. The four figures address the four fixed signs of the Zodiac — Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio. They are indications of the four areas, the four suits of the Tarot, four compass places, four seasons, and the four corners of the Universe. They are here to guide you beginning with one phase and a brief time frame later onto the going, giving understanding and congruity to your journey.





The World Upright


At the point when The World card shows up in a Tarot perusing, you are gleaming with a feeling of completeness, accomplishment, satisfaction, and fruition. A drawn-out project, time of the study, relationship, or vocation has completed the cycle, and you are currently delighting in the feeling of conclusion and achievement. This card could address graduation, a marriage, the introduction of a youngster, or accomplishing a long-held dream or goal. You have at last achieved your objective or reason. Everything has met up, and you are perfectly positioned, to make the best decision, and accomplish what you have imagined. You feel great and complete.


Presently, The World card welcomes you to think about your excursion, honor your accomplishments, and tune into your profound examples. Commend your triumphs and lounge in the delight of having carried your objectives to completion. Every one of the victories and hardships along your way has made you into the solid, shrewd, more experienced individual you are currently. Offer thanks for what you have made and reaped. At long last, ensure you don’t hurry into the following enormous venture; praising your excursion will get you in a good position when you are prepared for your next challenge.


In the event that you have not exactly arrived at this place of fruition, then, at that point, you are exceptionally close! You might in any case require an additional degree of understanding to graduate to a more elevated level and appreciate genuine achievement. Glance back at your previous encounters and recognize how far you have come and what you realized en route. It might astound you to glance back at your advancement and perceive the amount you accomplished. This reflection may likewise be what you really want to carry your venture to its last stages.


Assuming the last details actually stay, The World card requests that you finish them up. In doing as such, you will clear the space for fresh starts and potential chances to arise.


All the more in a real sense, The World can mean world travel, especially for a huge scope. You might be adequately fortunate to set out on a six-month abroad excursion, or are working, reading up, or living abroad for a drawn-out period. This card builds up Universal comprehension and worldwide mindfulness, and you will track down another appreciation for individuals and societies from across the world.


The World Reversed


The World Reversed recommends that you are looking for a conclusion on a private matter. Maybe you are still genuinely joined to a past relationship and need to continue on. Or on the other hand, you long for the day you can squeeze into your old thin pants however acknowledge now that your digestion and body shape changed over the most recent decade. You know, where it counts, that to acknowledge and embrace where you are present, you really want to relinquish the past and continue on. Observing a conclusion might be a seriously private excursion – something you oversee through journaling, representation, energy work, and treatment.


The World Reversed can mean that you need to satisfy a major objective or complete a major task, however, you’re not making every one of the strides important to arrive. You might settle on the least demanding or fastest way to accomplish your objective, however, it won’t prompt the result you plan. Getting over a mountain from the base up is an altogether unique encounter from getting a helicopter ride to the pinnacle, despite the fact that the objective is something similar. You really want to encounter the hardships en route so you can learn and develop. What’s more, when you truly do arrive at your objective, you will appreciate such phenomenal pride. Don’t hesitate for even a moment to define stretch objectives for yourself, regardless of whether it implies getting through difficulties or difficulties en route; it will make the triumph significantly better.


The World Reversed can likewise demonstrate when you are near completing a task or objective, however out of the blue, you lose concentration and slack off right toward the end. You just have a short approach, so why stop now? Recharge and remind yourself how brilliant life will be at the point at which you get what you’ve needed for such a long time.


In some cases, The World Reversed can mean a baffling deferral in finishing your tasks. You could miss a fundamental piece, and you won’t find a conclusion until it straightens out. You might have to get more imaginative to sort out some way to contact the end goal.

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